I find advice in these readings helpful, but in this document I will rarely repeat anything already addressed in these readings, so make sure you read them.
General-purpose Advice
- Econ RA Guide
- Susan Athey, Advice for Applying to Grad School in Economics
- Jesse Shapiro, Notes on Applying for a PhD in Economics
On Writing Thesis / Research Paper
- Plamen Nikolov, Writing Tips for Economics Research Papers
- This is the thesis guide for Harvard Economics thesis students
- Jesse Shapiro, Four Steps to an Applied Micro Paper
- Jesse Shapiro, How to Give an Applied Micro Talk: Unauthoritative Notes
- Deirdre McCloskey, Economical Writing. I don’t consider the full text necessary. A summary should suffice.
- Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz, The Ten Most Important Rules of Writing Your Job Market Paper
On Coding / Data Work
- Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse Shapiro, Code and Data for the Social Sciences: A Practitioner’s Guide
- Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse Shapiro, Internal RA Manual
- Jonathan Schwabish, An Economist’s Guide to Visualizing Data